Sunday, December 16, 2007
Possible new site
I have been thinking that I may get a centralized site where I can keep everything. I am going to start doing screen printing and would like to make shirts and other things that I can not sell at the other stores. I am going to make some one of a kind prints, bead work, hair pieces, coin purses and other things. I can then link up the stores and the blog to that site as well. I may go with Yahoo, they only charge about 7 bucks a month for web space and then I may also get AdWords for a bit and see what kind of traffic I can get with it. I am going to think about it for a while, I may not do it until after the new year. I am not going to do any New Year's designs, I just can't get over how it all looks the same. I am however going to try and make a calendar, if I can think of 12 different illustrations and a decent theme. I also have a few Valentines Day graphics and some for St. Patrick's. Just a bunch of ideas I have running through my head, my insomnia is working over time lately hahaha.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I have new designs!
But goodness, I had not realized it had been so long since I updated things. Life gets busy this time of year, I guess I got caught up in it all. Plus I have schoolwork and kids so I tend to lose track of time. Oh well, I have been working on things and have several new items up in both stores. Business has been picking up on the Zazzle site, I am very grateful for all of you who have found something you liked. I really like the Zazzle site because it is very user friendly and the customer can still customize your design to something they want as well. It is really very cool. I am going to stay with the CafePress site for a while longer to see if I can get any traffic to it. I have yet to sell anything on there. I have some really cute items there that are not available on the Zazzle site, like clocks, teddy bears, messenger bags, pillows, yard signs, pet shirts, and a few other things.
Now on to the new designs! I have one Christmas/Holiday specific but the others are for any time.

Will be doing this more often now that I have the time. See you next post!
Now on to the new designs! I have one Christmas/Holiday specific but the others are for any time.
Will be doing this more often now that I have the time. See you next post!
Monday, November 5, 2007
New design!
I have put up a cute graduation design. In the Cafe Press store you can find it under gifts and a set of cards in the journals and cards area. If you go to Zazzle then it is under the Graduation link. I have been trying my best, but I have to admit I do get discouraged when I think about it too hard. I was hoping business would pick up more than it has. Oh well, got to keep going, get my name out there, make people notice, and keep making new designs!
Here is the new design I have up:
Here is the new design I have up:
Saturday, October 27, 2007
CafePress updated
No new designs, just put up new icons. I like these a lot better, plus they are smaller and not so cartoony. Not that I don't like cartoons, I love them, I just wanted something a bit broader in its reach than the ones I had previously. It took me forever to find them, I have been looking through for 5 hours! Well, now I can get to work on other things.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Submitting your links to sites is a daunting task. I am happy it is free though. As much as I would like to have ads of my own, I just can not afford it yet. So, I am making fliers for myself so I can pass them out in places. Hopefully I can get my sister to help me. She live in another state. Hey, I will take what I can get.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New Designs!
So yeah, I did get around to making a few Halloween designs. I also uploaded some for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Thanksgiving Day. It takes forever. I have been doing it since last night for both sites. Now I am updating here and will be updating the Squidoo page after I get done here. So here they are:
This one won an award for being one of the best of the day for today on Zazzle. YAY!
Here are the rest:

These are what I have so far. I have a few more but they need to be colored in. Christmas ones are next as well as a few more random ones if I have the time. I have a lecture to read and questions to answer for class tonight so I get a bit busy with things, not to mention the kids.
Will update again soon!
This one won an award for being one of the best of the day for today on Zazzle. YAY!
These are what I have so far. I have a few more but they need to be colored in. Christmas ones are next as well as a few more random ones if I have the time. I have a lecture to read and questions to answer for class tonight so I get a bit busy with things, not to mention the kids.
Will update again soon!
Monday, October 15, 2007
First sale!
I made my first sale today! That was a nice surprise to wake up to. I am so excited! Thank You!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Clip art can be useful
I used it so I could put icons on my page. It doesn't look so boring anymore. They will do for now. I may change a few of them once I get around to it. Been battling homework along with trying to get things designed for the stores. Stress is high. Thank God for DDR and chocolate. So there will be no Halloween designs for this year, I just do not have the time to get them ready to be able to be shipped in time if someone orders them. Not that I am worried, I have made no sales yet. Hopefully all the effort I am putting into making fliers will pay off when I get enough printed. I am going to attempt to make some Thanksgiving items, hence the reason there is a turkey on my page. That is about all I have been able to do. I know it does not look like much, but I am also trying to balance everything else in life as well. It is like juggling, just with no balls.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
lots of work
I have been trying to add my store links to search engines the past few days. I also signed up for AdSense so hopefully I can eventually sign up for AdWords so I can advertise my sites. I also have a nice little search engine so you can search the web from here if you want to. I thought it was pretty neat. Getting your site out there so it shows up in searches is hard work. Takes up a lot of time. I hope it pays off soon.
Friday, September 28, 2007
New Design!

I finally finished the graffiti design I was blabbing on about in the previous post. I think it came out pretty well. So now I have this on several items in both stores so go and check them out!
I redesigned a few things to make it easier to navigate through the stores. I think when I get more designs I may have to make sub folders for each section that are specific to each design. I am going to try and make some Halloween themed items, but I do not know if I can get them finished before the deadline. I would like to but my classes start this week too and I have a few things to do for family, like finishing their dance outfits for the upcoming pow-wow. So the holiday section may be a bit empty until Christmas. I have some cute ideas for ornaments and cards to go in there.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Welcome to our blog!
I just want to say how excited I am about opening the shops up on CafePress and Zazzle. It really is taking up a lot of time. I did not realize how much work went into it, but it has been fun. I like being able to share my designs with people. Hopefully it will help pay some of the bills! I only have about 4 designs up and a few art posters right now. I am working on a few more designs for the kids section, mainly girly things. I really need to get more designs for the men and the boys. I have a few but I need to get some more made. I have a really cool graffiti design that needs to be colored in, I also have a few more anime style related designs I had made for my daughter that need colored in as well. I am mainly using older designs at the moment, I have some ideas for some newer ones just need to get the other ones done and put up first. I will be rotating items out as new ones come in. I also need to make better icons for the homepage on CafePress. But, enough of my rambling! Visit the shops, bookmark them, sign up for the newsletter, and check out the blog often. I am working on getting a link at the stores as well for the blog. Keeping my fingers crossed, I am trying my best, even if it is a bit disorganized at the moment.
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